Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the birthday pinafore

the piper pinafore, originally uploaded by varenia.

i finally finished this darling (if i do say so myself... sorry, i'm so hard on myself when it comes to my sewing, but this one really makes me smile) dress-slash-pinafore for piper's first birthday. i love just about everything about it, including the fact that it's completely reversible to red and cream colored polka dots on the other side. you know how i am about polka dots.

and almost as exciting, the completion of this dress has prompted me to go ahead and open the etsy shop i've been pondering for quite some time. i've already set it up (there's a link in the sidebar directly to the shop), but am still working on getting my listings together. yay! to start it'll be primarily blankets and select pieces (like the pinafore) for babies and toddlers.


Unknown said...

This pinafore is just the cutest thing. You have been so clever in your use of lining fabric with the polkadots and the ric rac is definitely a great finishing touch. I totally love this!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! This is the sweetest dress, I have both of these fabrics and never thought to put them together. I love the rick rack, what a nice touch. I may have to make my own. What an inspiration.